

Dear members, This years Agm will be held on Sunday the 12th of November, at 4pm at the MDL in Navan, Co. Meath. As the membership, this is your opportunity to have a say and propose changes in how the organisation and sections are ran.

Rule change proposal form. Any rule changes have to be submitted on this form and returned to with the rule to be changed, including the section and rule number, with the new proposed wording, by November 8th. Rule Change Proposal Form

For Drivers who competed in the 2023 Season and who wish to apply for a EFRA European or IFMAR Worlds event in 2024 – Event List, please fill in the follow Application Form so we can register you interest in the events with the relevant organisations. If you have any questions in relation to Events or Fees email with your question.

If there is anything you wish to discuss under “Any Other Business” (AOB) , Forward to for inclusion on the day.

We the committee would like to take this moment to thank all the Members and Clubs who to have participated over the 2023 season and for your continued support for the National race Series into the future.


Rccaoi Committee